Ali Metin Kazancı Antalya Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant(900 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONAli Metin Kazancı Antalya Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant, which started electricity generation in 2008, has a total installed capacity of 900 MW and an annual generation capacity of 7 billion KWh. The power plant, which is one of the largest natural gas power plants in Turkey, has two Siemens SGT5-4000F gas turbines and one Siemens SST5-5000F steam türbine, each with a generation capacity of 300 MW.
Reaching 59% efficiency with combined cycle generation groups, the plant’s gas turbines have ultra-low NOx combustion systems and carbon monoxide leves remain at single digits driven by close monitoring of the combustion of temperature.
The power plant has also been granted “Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate” within the scope of the “Zero Waste” project implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for the efficient use of resources at the beginning of 2021.
Bolu Göynük Thermal Power Plant (270 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONBolu Göynük Thermal Power Plant, one of the first privately owned power plant utilizing domestic coal in Turkey became operational in 2015. The power plant contributes to Turkish economy by reducing foreign dependence on energy, as it generates electricity from a local resource. Bolu Göynük Thermal Power Plant is the very first power plant that has a royalty agreement with the General Directorate of Turkish Coal, which allows the use of lignite mines.
Bolu Göynük Thermal Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 270 MW, is the first power plant with fluidized-bed boilers and wet flue gas purification systems in Turkey. Thanks to this technology, combustion is realized with solid fuel, consisting of coal and limestone, on the air cushion formed with the air under the combustion room due to the fluidized bed boiler. This process ensures that coal remains in the boiler combustion room for longer, enabling combustion reaction at lower temperatures. This technology reduces environmentally harmful NOx emissions to minimum.
The power plant has met all legal and regulatory requirements stipulated by environmental legislation since it was commissioned in 2015 thanks to its advanced combustion and treatment technologies. The facility also has the “Environmental Permit and License Certificate” on Air Emission, Waste Water Discharge and Regular Storage.
The power plant was granted TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificate in September 2020 and also at the beginning of 2021, it was granted Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate within the scope of the Zero Waste Project, implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for efficient use of resources.
Northern Cyprus Kalecik Combined Cycle Heavy Fuel Oil Power Plant (188 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONKalecik Combined Cycle Heavy Fuel Oil Power Plant in Northern Cyprus started production in 2003. More units were commissioned over time to meet rising energy demand in a seamless fashion, thus bringing the total installed capacity up to 188 MW. The power plant, which has eight Wärtsilä 18V46 diesel turbines each with a capacity of 17.8 MW, runs on fuel oil and meets approximately 50% of the energy demand of Northern Cyprus.
The plant’s combined cycle conversion was completed in 2011, and eight Aalborg boilers and one Dresser-Rand turbine with a capacity of 13.5 MW were commissioned. The plant has a DeSOx1 flue gas cleaning system.
In July 2023, a 15-year contract extension was made for the power plant until 2038. In addition to the contract extension, an agreement was reached for a capacity increase of 35 MW. As of May 2024, 35 MW of additional capacity is online. The power plant has been engaging in USD-denominated guaranteed electricity sales since 2003.
The power plant is the most efficient power plant in Northern Cyprus.
Ghana Heavy Fuel Oil Power Plant (370 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONIn 2015, Aksa Energy signed a power purchase agreement with the government of the Republic of Ghana for the guaranteed sale of electricity for a duration of 6.5 years with a tariff based on US dollars. As per the agreement, Samsun Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant was converted into a fuel oil power plant and some of its equipment was transferred to Ghana. The construction of the power plant was completed in 9.5 months while saving on capital expenditures by utilizing existing equipment.
Ghana HFO Power Plant started operations in 2017. At the power plant, electricity sales are realized based on guaranteed electricity sales tariff denominated in US dollars over a capacity equivalent to 332 MW of installed capacity. Operations continue for the completion of the project for converting the engines in the power plant to dual fuel (HFO/ natural gas).
In October 2022, Aksa Energy and Electricity Company of Ghana (“ECG”) have signed a new USD based 15 year PPA regarding sale of electricity generated from 370 MW dual fuel (natural gas / heavy fuel oil) power plant.
Madagascar Heavy Fuel Oil Power Plant (66 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONMadagascar HFO Power Plant, whose construction started in the fourth quarter of 2016, was commissioned with an optimum capital expenditure and in a very short time, due to the use of equipment from heavy fuel oil power plants in the Company’s existing portfolio. The power plant became operational in 7 months.
Madagascar HFO Power Plant consists of a total of 11 Wärtsilä engines relocated from the Hakkari, Siirt Akköy and İdil 2 power plants, whose licenses had been cancelled. Madagascar HFO Power Plant which was completed in September 2017 with 66 MW installed capacity, conducts electricity sales at a tariff determined in US dollars over the capacity corresponding to 60 MW capacity within the scope of a 20-year guaranteed purchase.
Mali Heavy Fuel Oil Power Plant (60 MW)
MORE INFORMATIONIn line with the agreement signed with the Republic of Mali in 2016, the power plant reached a total installed capacity of 40 MW in September 2017.
While optimizing the investment cost by utilizing existing equipment of Mardin Power Plant, the commissioning period was significantly shortened at the same time. Construction of the power plant was completed in only 6 months. Electricity generated is purchased by the Republic of Mali based on a Euro denominated tariff over a capacity equivalent to 30 MW within the scope of the guaranteed sales agreement.
As of the end of 2021, additional capacity with an installed capacity of 20 MW was commissioned. Thus, the installed capacity covered by guaranteed electricity sales increased from 30 MW to 50 MW.
Uzbekistan Taskent Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant A
MORE INFORMATIONTaking its first step onto the Asian continent with the Uzbekistan investment, Aksa Energy signed an agreement with the Uzbekistan Ministry of Energy in May 2020. The agreement includes the establishment of a 240 MW natural gas combined cycle power plant in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and the sale of electricity for 25 years in return for a guaranteed capacity fee based on US dollars.
Ministry Acceptance of Tashkent Power Plant A is obtained in May 2022.
Uzbekistan Taskent Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant B
MORE INFORMATIONIn addition to Tashkent A power plant, a natural gas combined cycle power plant with an installed capacity of 230 MW was established at the location of Tashkent A power plant. With the amendment of the agreement with NEGU ("National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan"), affiliated with the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan, the electricity generated at both power plants to be established in Tashkent will be sold for 25 years in return for the guaranteed capacity charge.
Ministry Acceptance of Tashkent Power Plant B is obtained in May 2022.
Uzbekistan Bukhara Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant
MORE INFORMATIONWith the additional agreement made with NEGU (“National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan”), affiliated with the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan, a natural gas combined cycle power plant with an installed capacity of 270 MW was established in Bukhara, located in the southwest of Tashkent. The agreement includes the sale of electricity to be generated at the Bukhara Power Plant for 25 years in return for a guaranteed capacity charge.
Ministry Acceptance of Bukhara Power Plant is obtained in May 2022.